Itinerary Planner
How to build your Itinerary
The Itinerary feature is a convenient, easy way to plan your next trip. You can tailor your own personalised itinerary by adding tours, activities and accommodation. Once you’re done, save and print it out as a PDF itinerary or email it to yourself or a friend.
Adding items to your Itinerary
On any page you see the "Add to itinerary" button or the 'heart' icon, click the button to save that tour, activity, or accommodation.
A small message will pop up on the top right hand side of your screen confirming the item has been added. You now have the option to add more days to your itinerary by clicking ‘Add a Day’ button at the bottom of the page. You are also able to drag and drop your experiences into different days or change the order in which you wish to do them.