Deep Hill Media - Media Services

Blue Mountains Tourism Services


A communications consultancy to tourism, lifestyle and heritage businesses in the Greater Blue Mountains region, Deep Hill Media specialises in content (copywriting & photography), PR, media relations, visiting journalist program and tourism industry profile development. Our media releases, editorial packages, destination stories and photographs are published nationally and internationally.


MEDIA A long-time journalist and travel writer herself, Ellen Hill is the go-to communications consultant for media needing information, images or interview subjects about the Blue Mountains and to visit the region on hosted trips. She knows what media want, how they want it, what makes a tempting story and how to make it irresistible to journalists. She has curated numerous media itineraries, distributed media releases and provided media relations for some of the most renowned Blue Mountains businesses and Blue Mountains Tourism itself.

Map & Directions

PO Box 406, Springwood 2777

Mobile 0422 140 528


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